Tomorrow is a big day! Tomorrow is the day that AMRBC officially moves into our new facility. I can honestly say that this week has been full of ups and downs for me. To start with, tomorrow will be the final culmination of nearly 2 years worth of prayers, planning, brainstorming, budgeting, trouble shooting, and everything else that goes into doing everything possible to make sure the A/V works well in the new building. I know it will not be perfect, but I pray that it is not a distraction to the Worship that will take place tomorrow!
We will have the chance to baptist more than 20 people during our services, and this is just the first day in the new building! Wednesday night was our first atempt at a service in the building, and it had it's fair share of problems. Video problems, audio problems, and people problems. All I can pray for is patience. I look at where God has brought us from in such a short time, or at least it seams like a short time to me. We have grown from a 6 member praise band to a 21-25 member orchestra. We were all crammed into a space about the size of a dinning room in a house, and now we are spread across a stage that is 70 feet wide and 20 feet deep. We have to learn how to listen to each other again, and learn how to trust each other with our parts. For me on the guitar, I have an in-ear monitor system now, and it's a wonderful and a terrible thing at the same time. It's great because I have complete control over what I hear, but it's bad because I can really hear every note that I miss also!
I can not wait to see how God's spirit flows tomorrow morning. I have such high expectations that I am expecting to see this huge room completely full on our first day. I have heard from so many people that they want to be there that first day to see our new Worship facility, it makes me kinda nervous. They will be listening, and watching all this new A/V technology at work, and it was mainly my responsibility to coordinate. Again, I look at what we were using last week in our old building compaired to this new one, and it is such a huge step forward. But everyone will be watching and if it fails, I will feel like I failed. There have been many people that have helped plan all of this equipment, but it started on my shoulders....I am so greatful that I can share that burden with christian men that I respect and trust.
I keep thinking about all the things I have learned over the last few years. All I can do know is be ready to play my parts in the music tomorrow as best as I possibly can. I'll be praying a lot tonight, and trying not to think about tomorrow too much. I just have to keep reminding myself that God planned this day at the beginning of time. He knows exactly what will happen tomorrow, he knows everything I will experience, and he knows everything I will do tomorrow. I put my faith in Him to work all things to his Glory tomorrow, and to use all of us on that stage to lead Worship of Him....I pray for patience, peace, boldness and grace so that I may play with passion. A passion for God that will be seen in every note I play. I pray for confidence so that I may play every note without fear of messing up. I pray for grace for the note that I will miss so they will not distract.
Most of all I pray for our church family at AMRBC. Tomorrow is a big day for us. It's time for us to step to the plate and be the leading church on this side of town. It's time for us to step out on faith again and say thank you Lord for this day, now where do you want us to go next....across town, across the state, across the country, across the world....Here I am my steps!
8 years ago